Submission instructions

Submission instructions

All submissions are handled via the PaperCept platform at This requires that every author has an PaperCept account. Accounts can be registered with the PIN Wizard.

Full and short papers
Papers need to be formatted according to the IFAC Author Guide. It is recommended to use the LaTeX or Word template files available from the Author Guide. Draft papers are limited to 8 double-column pages. Final papers are restricted to 6 pages. Papers up to 8 pages long may be considered, but will be subject to an overlength fee. Short papers should be not less then 3 pages of length.

Invited session proposals
Invited session proposals should include the session scope, aim, outline and the titles, authors and abstracts of 4 to 6 papers. The scope and aim should be at least 1-page long. Each contributor to the session must submit an invited session paper. If an invited session is not accepted, all corresponding papers will be treated as regular submissions. All invited submissions will be reviewed individually and may be accepted or rejected independent of the overall session proposal.

Proposals for workshops
Proposals for workshops to be held on 19th - 22nd August 2018 can be submitted by email to [email protected]. They should contain the workshop title, list of contributors, and a short description of the workshop content and format and should be formated using the same style as for regular papers.

We’re looking for abstract submissions in the form of camera-ready extended abstracts. Abstracts must be prepared according to the full and short paper style. Please use the paper template provided there also for the abstract. The abstract length should usually be one page, but can be up to two pages.

Abstracts should state briefly and clearly the purpose, methods, results and conclusions of the work.

  • Introduction: Clearly state the purpose of the abstract
  • Methods: Describe your selection of methods clearly
  • Results: Present your results in a logical sequence in text
  • Discussion: Emphasize new and important aspects of the study and conclusions that are drawn from them

Abstracts can include figures and should give literature references as appropriate and formatted according to the IFAC Author Guide.

Last Modification: 10.05.2018 - Contact Person:

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